Saturday, 23 April 2011

Nintendo 3DS: MYST Release Delayed...

At the beginning of April, Mini Gamers discovered that online retail giants and were both advertising a MYST 3DS game for preorder. The game was given a late April release date. Very little had been discussed about the game up until that point, and we were very confused as to why a popular franchise such as Myst should not receive a lot of publicity before its supposed release date.

Today however, just three weeks after it was first available for preorder, the game has since been taken off the preorders list on both sites and is now stated as: "Date to be confirmed" or "Out Of Stock - Unavailable"  What's worse, is that there is now no way of knowing when this product will be available for preorder again.

This particular 3DS title has ironically been shrouded in MYST-ery ever since it first surfaced online, and it looks like that mystery is set to deepen for the time being. Remember to check in with the Mini Gamers blogsite for more news on this subject as it happens.