Saturday, 25 September 2010

Further Delays For EyePet (PSP)

It has happened again. Mini Gamers has just received word that EyePet on PSP will now be delayed until the 5th of November 2010.

This game is one in a series of recent PSP titles to be delayed more than once. The fifth game in the hugely popular Metal Gear Solid franchise, Metal Gear Solid: Peacewalker, was delayed from the 25th of May until the 2nd of July 2010.

Then the PSP version of Lego Harry Potter was famously delayed from the 25th of June until the 13th of August this year, causing distress to many of the PSP-owning  Lego Games fans around the world.

Next was UFC Undisputed 2010, which was delayed from the end of May until the beginning of September 2010, dispite the fact that the game had already topped the UK pre-order charts.

Now EyePet (PSP) is set to continue the trend. So what is happening here? Is it - as some sceptics have suggested - merely an attempt to delay the most popular titles until the 2010 Christmas rush, or could it be further evidence of Sony PSP's further decline in the current gaming market?

Whatever the reason, delays such as this often cause confusion and disappointment for millions of gamers and can even sour the experience of owning a delayed game when it is finally released to the public. Mini Gamers sincerely hopes that the reason for this delay (and any future delays) can be rectified soon.

 Remember to check in with the Mini Gamers blogsite for more news on this subject as it happens.


How has the delay of EyePet and the other games in this article made you feel? Why do you think that PSP games in particular seem to be suffering from long delays at the moment? Should games producers be allowed to change release dates on games without a proper reason?

If you have a comment and wish to share your views with other readers on this site then please feel free to click on the 'Comments' link below this post (or fill in the comments box if viewing this post in a separate window). We would love to hear your views.

1 comment:

  1. i want this game! Pleeeeeeze don't delay it anymore Sony!
